Friday, July 6, 2012

Out of the Blue...

Today.. Tgh2 dok berpk ttg kije yg perlu dibuat ni and idea yg x muncul2 w/pun bayangan nye dah nmpk.. Terasa nak bace blog... Carik2 blog org lain nak bace cam tak menarik minat.. Last2 bace blog sendiri.. Hahaha sedddih..

Buka blog trus click entry 2004... Bace, scrolling, remembering last2 terbace satu entry ako.. Ttg seorg sahabat & nasihat dia yg masa tu bg kekuatan kat ako yg tgh down gler.. Cuma until now ako x berkesempatan nak jumpa dia face-to-face since kitorang kenal thru blog sultan muzaffar (SM) yg masa tu tgh hangat pasal AF.. We're two of the follower and yg rajin memberi komen kat post SM.. From there kitorang dok berbalas komen, jd berbalas email but chatting x igt ade ke idak.. Yg pasti x penah ckp thru phone or anything to do with real life.. Sume di alam maya.. But what i treasure most is the strength yg dia bg pd ako thru his words.. And x pasti whether dia tu his or her but according to him its his not her.. Hehehe

And td bler bace buat ako rase nak sgt restart balik our friendship... coz after ako and my husband start our relationship, ako pun lost contact dgn dia...he seems to be disappear or lebih tepat fade away...

Anyway dear friend known as JD,
If u still remember me & read this blog, thanks a million coz ur words really give me strength to fly again... From then until now and until the end I'll always remember those words in my heart...tq very much my dear friend.....

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