Tuesday, October 25, 2011

new toy in d' house : TRAX Interactive Talking Twister

amboi ape bende nye tu? secara ringkasnye:

Talking Twister is an effective fitness training device that ANYONE can use, engineered to  make exercise comfortable almost effortless, while burning fat & calories. It has the ability to cause a unique stretching & contracting motion designed to provide a total body workout. You will experience a body harmony that comes from intestinal cleanliness, increased blood flow and stress relief in your back.

source from : http://www.fitnessconcept.com.my/

baru cuba sekali.. menariks gak coz berjaya mengeluarkan peluh & mende ni akan bgtau berapa calory yg dah burn.. well hopefully x jadiks tukun jek kat umah....

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