Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Segmen Mesti Tonton 2


Zoragon is from the planet Saturn. He's in charge of handling the spaceship that carries energy sources from Venus to Mars. One day, his spaceship is attacked by General Zoragas and his sidekick, Zolidia. The General and his helper want the power machine that Zoragon keeps because it can be turned into a weapon and the General wants it to dethrone King Zaragus. As a result of the attack, Zoragon is forced to land on Earth and finds himself in a village in Malaysia. The villagers are shocked with the arrival of the spaceship or UFO. In the midst of the chaos, a 'bomoh', (medicine man) who stills keeps traditional beliefs, tell the villagers that the spaceship and the aliens are ghosts, so he uses a curse to rid the spirits. Zoragon's arrival on Earth also leads him to meet with a girl named Siti. As a result, conflict arises between Siti's fiancée and Zoragon, who falls for Siti.

Starring: Kumpulan Senario, Saiful Apek, Yasin, NorFazura etc
Mesti Tonton on: 22 May 2005 at Cheras Leisure Mall
Source: http://www.gsc.com.my

ako tgk movie ni ahad lepas.. show kul 5.10pm.. boring plaks dok umah.. sepanjang pagi ako wat 'keras tangan' kih... pastu member ajak tgk wayang pegi jela.. ako ingat member ako nak tgk Star Wars.. ghupanya dia tak minat... dia nak tgk Senario.. ako ok je.. janji free.. kih... tapi jalan citer ni bosan la.. entah la.. org kat wayang tu gelak sakan la bile time 'lawak'.. tapi ako most of the time.. tak rase lawak pun.. adakah ako sudah tua utk lawak senario? kih.. i dunno... member ako pun cam enjoy.. tapi bila ako kate boring seh.. dia pun kate jln citer dia boring.. entah ler...

apa yg pasti, aziz m osman berjaya membawa alien mendarat di malaysia.... bukan 1 tapi 5 .. tak tahu la kot ako miss count.. tapi rasenya 5 jek.. pastu space ship dia cam btk belangkas jek... kih... ghupa alien dia ada iras² alien dlm Mars Attack.. kih....

cuti aritu.. Sabtu ako gi jenguk² Proton Edar kat Klang... dekat ngan satu shopping mall kat klang tu.. tah apa nama tah.. tak ingat ako.. sebelum tu gi ziarah atau lebih tepat lunch kat umah makcik member ako.. kebetulan parent dia dtg dr kg and stay kat umah makcik dia.. so ako pun pegi la.. jumpa bakal mertua kot? jeng..jeng..jeng... tunggu..............

ahad ako gi tgk wayang.. isnin ako lepaks kat umah jek.. meneruskan kerja² keras tangan ako... yela detik itu makin dekat... takut tak sempat plaks... kih... ooo.. pasal AF3.. dah start ekk.. bosan aahh.. MAWI ako tak masuk... ilang seri.. kih...

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