Friday, April 22, 2005

The Pacifier

Synopsis :

Vin Diesel stars as Navy SEAL Shane Wolfe who, as an elite member of the world's fiercest and most highly trained force, thought he was prepared to take on any duty no matter how perilous or impossible...until he tried baby-sitting. Assigned to protect the five out-of-control children of an assassinated scientist working on vital government secrets, Shane is suddenly faced with juggling two outrageously incompatible jobs: fighting the bad guys while keeping house. Replacing his usual arsenal of wetsuits and weapons with diapers and juice boxes, Shane not only must battle a deceptive enemy but wrangle teen rebel Zoe (Brittany Snow), sullen 14-year-old Seth (Max Theriot), 8-year-old Ninja-wanna-be Lulu (Morgan York), as well as 3 year-old Peter and baby Tyler - not to mention their off-beat Romanian Nanny (Carol Kane).

Starring: Vin Diesel, Lauren Graham, Brittany Snow, Faith Ford, Carol Kane

Source : Yahoo!

mmm.. ako tgk citer ni semlm.. actually sabtu lepas dah tgk vcd dia kat umah.. tp masa tu ako antara tgk tak tgk jek... ialah time tu tgh sibuk nak prepare utk kenduri arwah and then masa tu badan ako pun rase cam nak demam jek.. so takde la consentrate sgt.. pastu semlm member ajak tgk.. gi jela tgk... semlm tgk kat GSC IOI Mall.. ok la citer dia.. not bad.. kih.. rase ako lagi berbaloi tgk citer ni dr tgk citer Cinta Fotokopi (CF) tu ler.. ako takde terasa langsung nak tgk citer CF tu.. bukan sebab ako tak sokong filem Malaysia tapi ako mmg tak sokong langsung citer hasil tgn Prof Madya Razak Mohideen tu.. boleh dikatakan serik la tgk citer arahan dia.. so sejak ako tgk Mistik dulu, ako dah banned diri ako dr tgk movie arahan Razak Mohideen ni.. sorry la kepada fans dia... but ako tgk je citer/filem tempatan.. kire selected director jela yg akan ako tonton filemnya di wayang.. yg ako tak berkenan ako tunggu kuar kat TV jela... kih...

semlm letih betul.. pepagi pegi antor kuih kat kedai makan sepupu ako tu.. yela.. abah ako gi sana naik motor.. takkan nak bawak kuih bebanyak tu.. pastu kuar umah 7 lebih.. sampai kedai tu abah ako suh tolong goreng telur mata .. goreng jola.. dah byk ako goreng.. ako gerak pi amik member ako kat shah alam.. bawak breakfast kat kedai sepupu ako memandangkan kitorang nak tgk movie kat IOI so senang la.. lepas breakfast gi tgk movie.. pastu shopping brg skit kat jusco.. then gerak ke KL Sentral.. member ako nak balik kg dia naik ketapi.. then dr KL Sentral gi ke jalan TAR... carik brg utk hantaran sepupu ako.. jln punye jalan dah dekat kul 7pm.. kena gi KL Sentral balik coz member ako nak naik train kul 8pm.. lepaks jap kat KL Sentral sementara menunggu train dia.. pastu ako gerak balik naik komuter.. sampai umah kul 8.30pm.. waduh letih tak hingat punye...

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